With London on track to become the ‘Electric Car Capital of Europe’, The Clouds TV was on the scene at the 2012 Electric Car Show, capturing the future of mobility in motion.

From cutting-edge innovations to high-performance engineering, the event showcased industry leaders like Drayson Racing, Mercedes, Smart, and more—pushing the boundaries of electric vehicle technology.

Through the lens of A Promise is a Promise Productions, this coverage delivers a dynamic look at the pioneers driving the electric revolution, proving that the road ahead is not just fast—but sustainable.

Spinning off from this episode: Meet James Cook Jr.—Grant Jarvis’ Aussie alter ego, bringing a twist of comedy to the mix.

From the fusion of Qareyfilm and visionary director Grant Jarvis, A Promise is a Promise Productions was born—a powerhouse of creativity and innovation. Making waves in East London’s underground scene, they set their sights on an ambitious challenge: launching a bold, artistic, thoughtful, independent TV project with a razor-sharp, conscious edge

With Qarey handling post-production and camerawork, and Grant bringing together the venues, talent, and connections, The Clouds TV took shape. At its core, Reuben Williams crafted the stories—writing and shaping each moment into something memorable.